Carboxylic acid

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Carboxylic Acid

Carboxylic acid (/kɑːrˌbɒksɪˈlɪk/ kar-box-i-lik) is a type of organic compound that contains a carboxyl group. The term "carboxylic acid" is derived from the Latin carbo, meaning "coal", and the Greek oxy, meaning "sharp" or "acid", referring to the sharp taste of acidic substances.


Carboxylic acids are characterized by the presence of a carboxyl group, which consists of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and also bonded to a hydroxyl group. This structure is often represented as -COOH or -CO2H.


Carboxylic acids are typically weak acids, meaning they do not fully ionize in water. They are polar molecules and can form hydrogen bonds, which makes them soluble in water. They also have higher boiling points than similar-sized hydrocarbons or alcohols due to their ability to form dimeric pairs.


Common examples of carboxylic acids include acetic acid, the active ingredient in vinegar, and formic acid, found in ant stings. Other carboxylic acids are important in biochemistry, such as fatty acids, which are a key component of lipids, and amino acids, the building blocks of proteins.


Carboxylic acids can be synthesized in the laboratory through several methods, including the oxidation of aldehydes or alcohols, the hydrolysis of nitriles, or the carbonation of Grignard reagents or organolithium reagents.


Carboxylic acids have a wide range of uses in industry and science. They are used in the production of polymers, pharmaceuticals, dyes, and perfumes. In biochemistry, they are involved in many important reactions, such as the Krebs cycle and fatty acid synthesis.

See Also

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