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Husband (/ˈhʌzbənd/) is a term used to refer to a male partner in a marital relationship. The rights and obligations of a husband regarding his spouse and others, and his status in the community and in law, vary between cultures and have varied over time.


The term "husband" comes from the Old Norse húsbóndi, where hús means "house" and bóndi means "dweller". As an extension from this sense, the word is used to refer to "a man joined to a woman in marriage".

Related Terms

  • Marriage: A legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.
  • Spouse: A significant other in a marriage, civil union, or common-law marriage.
  • Wife: The female counterpart to a husband in a marital relationship.
  • Wedding: The ceremony where people are united in marriage.
  • Divorce: The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.

See Also

External links


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