Family law

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Family Law

Family law (pronunciation: /ˈfæmɪli lɔː/) is a legal practice area that focuses on issues involving family relationships, such as adoption, divorce, and child custody, among others.


The term "family law" is derived from the English words "family" and "law". "Family" comes from the Latin word "familia", meaning household, and "law" comes from the Old English word "lagu", meaning something laid down or fixed.

Related Terms

  • Adoption: A legal process by which a person becomes the legal parent of a child who is not their biological child.
  • Divorce: The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
  • Child Custody: A legal term regarding guardianship which is used to describe the legal and practical relationship between a parent or guardian and a child in that person's care.
  • Alimony: A husband's or wife's court-ordered provision for a spouse after separation or divorce.
  • Prenuptial Agreement: An agreement made by a couple before they marry concerning the ownership of their respective assets should the marriage fail.
  • Guardianship: An individual who has been given the legal responsibility to care for a child or adult who does not have the capacity for self care.
  • Paternity: The state of being someone's father; fatherhood established through legal means.

See Also

External links


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