Doctors in Stillwater, MN

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Name Credentials Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties organization City State Zip Hospital affiliations
Aaron Burnett 1861664153 2,007 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Hudson Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Aaron Pope 1760926661 2,015 Qualified Speech Language Pathologist Stillwater MN 55082
Abigail Heller 1619140597 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine 2,008 Obstetrics/Gynecology Stillwater MN 55082
Alison Wing 1306076260 2,009 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Alpana Tiwari 1427224971 2,000 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital
Alyssa Schaefer 1639115694 AU 1,994 Qualified Audiologist Stillwater MN 55082
Amanda Mickelson 1245744234 2,017 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Amery Hospital & Clinic
Angela Fjerstad 1578728978 2,008 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082 Osceola Medical Center, Amery Hospital & Clinic, Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Anika Phillips 1003132440 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 2,010 Certified Nurse Midwife (Cnm) Stillwater MN 55082
Ankit Mehta 1487810792 2,004 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Mercy Hospital
Anna Bzdok 1649521154 2,012 Qualified Audiologist Stillwater MN 55082
Anna Clayton 1992980346 2,007 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Anne Hinz 1578750212 Washington University School of Medicine 2,007 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Annie Jacobsen 1780002592 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,014 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Regions Hospital
Anthony Coffey 1639155690 PT 1,980 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Ashley Viere 1366808966 2,015 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Ava Mckee 1720721301 2,021 Occupational Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Benjamin Addicks 1598108698 West Virginia University School of Medicine 2,013 Otolaryngology Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital, Amery Hospital & Clinic
Benjamin Danovsky 1396404562 2,018 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Beth Adams 1609852102 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 1,996 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Bjorn Peterson 1477781235 Loma Linda University School of Medicine 2,009 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Regions Hospital
Bradley Barth 1912946138 University of Minnesota Medical School 1,997 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Regions Hospital
Brett Hendel-Paterson 1407813686 MD 2,000 Internal Medicine Hospice/Palliative Care Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital
Brian Peterson 1174762397 Midwestern University, Chicago College of Osteopathic Med 2,007 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Hudson Hospital, Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Brian Rank 1851361588 University of Minnesota Medical School 1,979 Hematology/Oncology Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital
Brooke Klaphake 1154817575 2,018 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Carrie Wesely 1851718993 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,014 Internal Medicine Hospitalist Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Carson Laatsch 1396288056 2,016 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082
Casey Woster 1285862045 Creighton University School of Dentistry 2,009 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital, St Croix Regional Medical Ctr
Chad Fait 1144303454 2,004 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Charles Stevens 1346224144 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 1,987 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Christina Knutson 1578700134 William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine 2,006 Podiatry Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital
Christine Markus 1982775029 University of Nebraska College of Medicine 1,987 Dermatology Stillwater MN 55082
Christopher Kaye 1003899527 PA University of Iowa, Rj & L Carver College of Medicine 1,994 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Corey Oscarson 1861421976 Palmer College Chiropractic - Davenport 2,001 Chiropractic Stillwater MN 55082
Daniel Larsen 1588634604 DC 1,996 Chiropractic Stillwater MN 55082
David Solfelt 1467747832 University of Minnesota Medical School 1,979 Orthopedic Surgery Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Deborah Cuper 1689855355 2,007 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Demetrios Andrisani 1912327115 Indiana University School of Medicine 2,014 Internal Medicine Hospitalist Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Donae Gustafson 1598820367 CP 1,995 Clinical Psychologist Stillwater MN 55082
Donald Wessel 1538142518 MD University of California, San Diego School of Medicine 1,989 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital
Donna Koning 1205883964 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 2,001 Neurology Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital, Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Elizabeth Griffin 1285949677 2,010 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082
Elizabeth Mcginley 1245647395 1,997 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Elizabeth Rice 1558758144 At Still University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Med, Kirksville 2,015 Obstetrics/Gynecology Stillwater MN 55082
Ellie Warmuth 1437823283 2,020 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082 Essentia Health Duluth
Emily Binstadt 1194781047 MD Mayo Medical School 1,999 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Emily Doss 1871724203 Sanford School of Medicine of University of South Dakota 2,009 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Regions Hospital
Emily Hulke 1962815019 2,012 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Eric Ling 1740509777 2,010 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Westfields Hospital And Clinic, Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Eric Meinberg 1023060993 MD University of Michigan Medical School 1,997 Orthopedic Surgery Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Eric Saterbak 1114105376 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,007 General Surgery Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Evan Olson 1033419239 2,010 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Gregory Poduska 1871723767 University of Iowa, Rj & L Carver College of Medicine 2,009 Internal Medicine Hospitalist Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital, St Croix Regional Medical Ctr, Westfields Hospital And Clinic,
Heidi Pazlar 1851366793 University of Minnesota Medical School 1,999 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Ingrid Kaijage 1285868190 1,996 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Jacqueline Hegarty 1598179293 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,010 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Westfields Hospital And Clinic, Hudson Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital,
James Rosamilia 1538250022 DC 1,987 Chiropractic Stillwater MN 55082
Janice Nadeau 1295783603 1,994 Clinical Psychologist Stillwater MN 55082
Japs Lee 1356514657 2,008 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Hudson Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Jeanne Poulton 1912983982 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 1,991 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Jennifer Koziol Wozniak 1588707137 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,004 Allergy/Immunology Stillwater MN 55082
Jennifer Willette 1972777571 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,008 Obstetrics/Gynecology Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Jessica Acker 1124794425 2,021 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Jessica Marquardt 1508431180 2,021 Qualified Audiologist Stillwater MN 55082
Jill Stanway 1649402512 2,009 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Amery Hospital & Clinic, Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Joanna Hanlon 1841711298 2,017 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
John Fedje Johnston 1265419238 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 1,993 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
John Hokanson 1194171116 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,016 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Joseph Bert 1760776512 Loyola University of Chicago, Stritch School of Medicine 2,007 Rheumatology Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital, Regions Hospital, Amery Hospital & Clinic,
Joseph Macdonald 1710320288 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,013 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Joseph Walter 1578875464 Saint Louis University School of Medicine 2,010 Undersea And Hyperbaric Medicine Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Hudson Hospital, Hennepin County Medical Center
Joshua Peltier 1720341225 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,012 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Westfields Hospital And Clinic, Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Regions Hospital
Kari Sikkink 1942233432 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 1,989 Emergency Medicine Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Amery Hospital & Clinic, Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Karla Nockleby 1669615613 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,008 Internal Medicine Hospitalist Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Kathleen Feil 1629076047 1,997 Clinical Psychologist Stillwater MN 55082
Kathryn Salvatore 1518344118 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,015 Internal Medicine Pediatric Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Kelsey Fifield 1558871442 2,015 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Kevin Bjork 1538144365 MD University of Minnesota School of Dentistry 1,979 General Surgery Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Kim Waterbury 1023215720 OT 2,000 Occupational Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Krista Graven 1982678405 MD University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine 1,985 Pulmonary Disease Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital, Westfields Hospital And Clinic,
Kristi Albers 1588962161 2,010 Qualified Audiologist Stillwater MN 55082
Kurt Isenberger 1225003882 MD Medical College of Wisconsin 2,001 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Regions Hospital, Westfields Hospital And Clinic, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Lance Kansas 1770672875 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 2,004 Family Practice Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Laura Meyer 1043272370 NP University of Wisconsin School of Medicine 2,001 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Leah Vizenor 1184084022 1,993 Occupational Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Leif Schley 1487853198 DC Northwestern College of Chiropractic 1,999 Chiropractic Stillwater MN 55082
Lindsey Kaupa 1154975514 2,019 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082
Lisa Lindquist 1295994077 1,996 Qualified Speech Language Pathologist Stillwater MN 55082
Lisa Naser 1932184769 PA 2,001 Physician Assistant Stillwater MN 55082 Westfields Hospital And Clinic
Lynn Cattanach 1275981201 1,983 Occupational Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Magdalena Hoelmer 1629696620 2,016 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Mark Newman 1932148665 University of Nebraska College of Medicine 1,996 Emergency Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Westfields Hospital And Clinic, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Martha Sanford 1184609703 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 1,983 Internal Medicine Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital
Mary Freitag 1447301908 CP 1,999 Clinical Psychologist Stillwater MN 55082
Mary Sharkey 1770733347 2,008 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082
Mary Stephens 1083105308 2,016 Nurse Practitioner Stillwater MN 55082 Lakeview Memorial Hospital, Hudson Hospital
Matthew Fiebelkorn 1699112524 Northwestern College of Chiropractic 2,013 Chiropractic Stillwater MN 55125
Megan Morri 1750605861 2,009 Occupational Therapy Stillwater MN 55082
Melanie Kraushaar 1669775342 2,010 Physical Therapy Stillwater MN 55082


List of doctors in Minnesota

Name Credentials Medical school Graduation year Primary specialty Secondary specialties organization City State Zip Hospital affiliations
Alexa Horning 1750868352 University of Minnesota Medical School 2,018 Physical Therapy Edina MN 55435
Amanda Tschetter 1003109059 Sanford School of Medicine of University of South Dakota 2,015 Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery (Mds) Edina MN 55435 Fairview Southdale Hospital
Amy Rudser 1760499537 OD Indiana University - School of Optometry 2,005 Optometry Lakeville MN 55044
Andrew Misselt 1770500555 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 2,002 Interventional Radiology Diagnostic Radiology Bloomington MN 55431 Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital, Olivia Hospital & Clinic
Anne Wolff 1164640579 Creighton University School of Medicine 2,002 Rheumatology Internal Medicine Edina MN 55435 Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital
Arkadiusz Dudek 1538197181 1,989 Hematology/Oncology Internal Medicine Medical Oncology Saint Paul MN 55101 Regions Hospital, Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Bailey Knoblock 1972079523 Indiana University School of Medicine 2,018 Physician Assistant Saint Cloud MN 56303 St Cloud Hospital, Centracare Health System - Sauk Centre
Basir Tareen 1336355049 University of North Dakota School of Medicine 2,002 Urology Woodbury MN 55125 Allina United Hospital, District One Hospital, Healtheast St John'S Hospital, St Croix Regional Medical Ctr,
Behnam Sabayan 1649625393 2,009 Neurology Saint Paul MN 55130 Regions Hospital, Lakeview Memorial Hospital
Bradley Dupre 1780724989 MD University of Minnesota Medical School 1,987 Geriatric Psychiatry White Bear Lake MN 55110 St Joseph'S Hospital


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