Stock (food)

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Stock (food)

Stock is a flavored liquid preparation that forms the basis of many dishes, particularly soups and sauces. It is made by simmering various ingredients in water, including some combination of vegetables, meat, and bones.


Stock (food): /stɒk/


The term "stock" comes from the old French word "estoc", which means "a stock, stump, post, stick". It was first used in English in the culinary sense in the 18th century.

Types of Stock

There are several types of stock, including:

Each type of stock has its own unique preparation method and uses in cooking.


The preparation of stock involves simmering various ingredients in water. The ingredients often include mirepoix (a mixture of chopped onion, carrot, and celery), and other aromatics such as herbs and spices. The ingredients are simmered for several hours to extract their flavors.


Stock is used as a base for many dishes, particularly soups and sauces. It can also be used to cook grains and legumes, to deglaze a pan, or to poach fish or vegetables.

Related Terms

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