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Paniyaram (pronunciation: /pɑːnɪjɑːrəm/) is a traditional Indian dish made from fermented batter. The batter is typically made from black lentils (Urad dal) and rice, similar to the batter used for Idli and Dosa.


The term 'Paniyaram' is of Tamil origin, and it is also known by various names in different regions of India, such as 'Paddu' in Kannada, 'Gundponglu' in Telugu, and 'Appe' in Konkani and Marathi.


Paniyaram is prepared by steaming the fermented batter in a special mould with divots, known as a 'Paniyaram Pan'. The batter is poured into the divots and cooked until it forms a round, fluffy ball. Variations of Paniyaram include 'Sweet Paniyaram' and 'Spicy Paniyaram', which incorporate different ingredients into the batter for added flavor.

Related Terms

  • Idli: A type of savory rice cake, originating from the Indian subcontinent, popular as breakfast foods in Southern India and among Indian-origin Tamils in Sri Lanka.
  • Dosa: A type of pancake from the Indian subcontinent, made from a fermented batter.
  • Urad dal: Also known as black gram, black lentil, white lentil, is a bean grown in the Indian subcontinent.
  • Indian cuisine: The foods and dishes of India, characterized by the extensive use of various Indian spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits.

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