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Kandahar (pronunciation: /ˈkændəˌhɑːr/) is a city in Afghanistan, historically significant in the field of medicine due to its location on the Silk Road, which facilitated the exchange of medical knowledge and practices.


The name "Kandahar" is believed to have been derived from "Iskandar", the Persian name for Alexander the Great, who is said to have founded the city in the 4th century BC. However, this etymology is not universally accepted, and other theories suggest that the name may have older, indigenous origins.

Medical Significance

Kandahar's location on the Silk Road made it a hub for the exchange of medical knowledge between the East and West. This included the transmission of Greek medicine, Persian medicine, and later, Arabic medicine. The city was also known for its production of medicinal herbs and plants, many of which are still used in traditional medicine today.

Greek Medicine

Greek medicine was introduced to Kandahar and the wider region by Alexander the Great and his successors. This included the theories of Hippocrates, the "father of medicine", and Galen, whose ideas on anatomy and physiology were influential for centuries.

Persian Medicine

Persian medicine, also known as Unani medicine, was practiced in Kandahar during the Islamic Golden Age. This system of medicine was based on the theories of the four humors and was heavily influenced by Greek medicine.

Arabic Medicine

Arabic medicine, also known as Islamic medicine, developed in the Islamic Golden Age and was influenced by both Greek and Persian medicine. It introduced many innovations, including the use of clinical trials and the establishment of the first hospitals.

Related Terms

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