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Funding (fuhn-ding)

Funding is the act of providing financial resources, usually in the form of money, or other values such as effort or time, to finance a need, program, or project.


  • IPA: /ˈfʌndɪŋ/


The term "funding" is derived from the verb "fund", which originated from the Latin word "fundus", meaning "bottom, base, piece of land". It was first used in the sense of "supplying money for a project" in the early 18th century.

Types of Funding

There are several types of funding, including but not limited to:

  • Grant: A sum of money given by a government or other organization for a particular purpose.
  • Loan: A sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.
  • Investment: The action or process of investing money for profit.
  • Donation: A gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause.
  • Crowdfunding: The practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

Related Terms

  • Finance: The management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
  • Capital: Wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available for a purpose such as starting a company or investing.
  • Budget: An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  • Revenue: Income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.

See Also

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