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Frankincense (/ˈfræŋkɪnsɛns/), also known as olibanum, is a resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia in the family Burseraceae. The term "frankincense" is derived from the Old French term "franc encens", which means "high-quality incense".


The word "frankincense" is derived from the Old French term "franc encens", which means "high-quality incense". "Franc" means "free" or "pure", and "encens" comes from the Latin "incendere" meaning "to burn".


Frankincense is pronounced as /ˈfræŋkɪnsɛns/.


Frankincense is a milky white resin extracted from species of the genus Boswellia, which thrive in arid, cool areas of the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa, and India. The finest and most aromatic of this species is Boswellia sacra, a small tree that grows in Somalia, Oman, and Yemen. These trees are also found in parts of Pakistan.


Frankincense has been traded for over 5,000 years, primarily for its use in religious rituals, traditional medicine, and perfumes. In traditional medicine, it is used for a variety of ailments, including chronic inflammatory diseases, wound healing, and cancer.

Related Terms

  • Boswellia: A genus of trees known for their fragrant resin which has many pharmacological uses, especially as anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Resin: A solid or highly viscous substance of plant or synthetic origin.
  • Incense: Aromatic biotic material that releases fragrant smoke when burned.
  • Arabian Peninsula: A peninsula of Western Asia situated northeast of Africa on the Arabian plate.
  • Traditional Medicine: Systems of medicine developed before the era of modern medicine, based on cultural beliefs and practices handed down from generation to generation.

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