Favaloro University

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Favaloro University

Favaloro University (pronunciation: fa-va-lo-ro uni-ver-si-ty) is a private medical university located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was founded in 1998 by the renowned Argentine cardiac surgeon, Rene Favaloro, who is best known for his pioneering work on coronary artery bypass surgery.


The university is named after its founder, Rene Favaloro, a prominent figure in the field of cardiology. Favaloro's significant contributions to cardiovascular surgery and his dedication to medical education and research are reflected in the university's mission and values.


Favaloro University offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of medicine, biomedical sciences, and healthcare. The university is known for its strong emphasis on clinical training, research, and community service. It is also recognized for its state-of-the-art facilities and highly qualified faculty.


The university offers a wide range of programs including Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Biomedical Engineering, and Clinical Psychology. It also offers postgraduate programs in areas such as Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology, and Public Health.


Favaloro University is actively involved in medical research, with a focus on cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, cancer, and public health issues. The university's research is supported by its Research and Development Department and various research centers.


Favaloro University is affiliated with several hospitals and healthcare institutions in Buenos Aires and other parts of Argentina. These affiliations provide students with opportunities for clinical training and research.

See Also

External links


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