Estradiol diundecylate

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Estradiol Diundecylate

Estradiol diundecylate (pronunciation: es-tra-DYE-ole dye-un-DECK-ill-ate) is a synthetic, steroidal estrogen that was never marketed. It is an ester of estradiol, a naturally occurring estrogen hormone.


The term "Estradiol" is derived from estrus (period of fertility for female mammals) + diol (a chemical term indicating a certain structure). "Diundecylate" refers to the ester formed from undecylic acid and estradiol.


Estradiol diundecylate is a long-acting estrogen ester. It works by binding to and activating the estrogen receptor, which then modulates the transcription of genes.

Related Terms

  • Estradiol: The parent hormone of estradiol diundecylate.
  • Estrogen: The class of hormones to which estradiol belongs.
  • Ester: A class of organic compounds that react with water to produce alcohols and organic or inorganic acids.
  • Estrogen receptor: A group of proteins found inside cells, which are activated by the hormone estrogen.

See Also

External links


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