Caspian Sea

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Caspian Sea

Caspian Sea (/ˈkæspiən/; from Latin: Caspium Mare) is the world's largest inland body of water, variously classed as the world's largest lake or a full-fledged sea.


The pronunciation of Caspian Sea in English is /ˈkæspiən/.


The term Caspian Sea derives from the name of the Caspian people, an ancient people who lived to the southwest of the sea in Transcaucasia. The word "Sea" comes from the Old English , which means sea or lake.


The Caspian Sea is an endorheic basin (a closed drainage basin) located between Europe and Asia. It is bordered by Kazakhstan to the northeast, Russia to the northwest, Azerbaijan to the west, Iran to the south, and Turkmenistan to the southeast.

Related Terms

  • Endorheic basin: A closed drainage basin which retains water and allows no outflow to other bodies of water such as rivers or oceans.
  • Salinity: The saltiness or dissolved salt content of a body of water.
  • Hydrocarbon exploration: The exploration of the earth's sea beds for hydrocarbon (Crude oil or natural gas) deposits.
  • Biodiversity: The variety and variability of life on Earth.

External links


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