Carolyn Goodman (psychologist)

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Carolyn Goodman (Psychologist)

Carolyn Goodman (pronounced: Car-o-lyn Good-man) is a renowned psychologist known for her significant contributions to the field of clinical psychology.


The name 'Carolyn' is of Old German origin, meaning 'free man'. 'Goodman', an English surname, is derived from 'Godeman' meaning 'good man'.


Carolyn Goodman was born and raised in United States. She pursued her education in the field of psychology, earning her doctorate degree from a prestigious university. She has since been practicing as a clinical psychologist, specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis.


Goodman's work in the field of psychology has been influential. She has published numerous research papers on various topics such as mental health, stress management, and personality disorders. Her research has provided valuable insights into the understanding and treatment of various psychological disorders.

Related Terms

  • Clinical Psychology: A branch of psychology that focuses on diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps patients understand the thoughts and feelings that influence behaviors.
  • Psychoanalysis: A therapeutic method developed by Sigmund Freud in the late 19th century to treat mental disorders.
  • Mental Health: A state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.
  • Stress Management: Techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's levels of stress.
  • Personality Disorders: A type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving.

External links


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