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Bowing (medical)

Bowing (pronunciation: /ˈboʊ.ɪŋ/) is a medical term that refers to a curvature or bending in a part of the body that is typically straight. This term is often used in the context of orthopedic conditions, particularly those affecting the bones and joints.


The term 'bowing' originates from the Old English 'boga', which means 'bend' or 'arch'. In a medical context, it has been used to describe the abnormal curvature of bones since the early 19th century.

Related Terms

  • Deformity: A broad term that refers to any abnormality in the form or shape of a part of the body. Bowing is a type of deformity.
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A genetic disorder often characterized by bowing of the long bones.
  • Rickets: A condition often seen in children, caused by a deficiency in vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. It can lead to bowing of the legs.
  • Blount's Disease: A growth disorder of the shin bone (tibia) that causes the lower leg to angle inward, resembling a bowleg.
  • Fracture: A break in a bone. If not properly treated, a fracture can result in bowing.

See Also

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