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Baghdad (băg-dăd)

Baghdad (pronounced /băg-dăd/) is the capital city of Iraq, and one of the largest cities in the Arab world.


The name "Baghdad" is of Persian origin, derived from the words "Bagh" meaning "garden" and "dad" meaning "given", translating to "The Given Garden" or "God's Gift".

Medical Relevance

Baghdad has a significant impact on the medical field, particularly in the Middle Ages, when it was a center of advanced learning and progress in medical science. The city was home to the House of Wisdom, a major intellectual center during the Islamic Golden Age, where scholars from various parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds were mandated to gather and translate all of the world's classical knowledge into the Arabic language.

The city was also home to the famous Al-Kindi Hospital, one of the earliest hospitals established in the Islamic world, which played a significant role in the development of medical practices and knowledge.

Related Terms

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