Anal abscess

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Anal Abscess

An Anal Abscess (pronounced: /ˈeɪnəl ˈæbsɪs/) is a painful condition in which a collection of pus develops near the Anus. Most anal abscesses are a result of infection from small anal glands.


The term "Anal Abscess" is derived from the Latin words "anus" meaning ring or circle, and "abscessus" meaning a going away, referring to the pus that has moved away from the normal tissue and collected in a cavity.


The most common cause of an anal abscess is an infection in the small anal glands. If bacteria or foreign matter gets into the glands, they can become infected, resulting in an abscess. Other causes can include Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Crohn's Disease, and Diverticulitis.


Symptoms of an anal abscess include pain and swelling around the anus, pain with bowel movements, and rectal bleeding. Other symptoms can include fatigue, fever, and night sweats.


Treatment for an anal abscess usually involves surgical drainage of the abscess, followed by antibiotics to treat the infection. In some cases, a procedure called an Fistulotomy may be performed to treat the abscess.

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