Acid–base homeostasis

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Acid–base homeostasis (pronounced: a-sid-bays ho-mee-oh-stay-sis) is the part of human body's homeostasis concerned with the proper balance between acids and bases, also referred to as body pH. The body is very sensitive to its pH level, so strong mechanisms exist to maintain it.


The term "Acid–base homeostasis" is derived from the Latin words 'acidus' meaning sour, 'basis' meaning step, and 'homeostasis' meaning staying the same.


Acid–base homeostasis is maintained by multiple mechanisms involved in the regulation of the acid–base balance of the body. The body's acid–base balance is tightly regulated to keep the arterial blood pH between 7.38 and 7.42. Several buffering agents that reversibly bind hydrogen ions and impede any change in pH exist in the body.


The mechanisms involved in acid–base homeostasis can be categorized into two main systems: the buffer system and the physiological system. The buffer system acts rapidly (within seconds to minutes) to prevent drastic changes in the pH of body fluids. The physiological system, on the other hand, acts more slowly (within hours to days) and involves the respiratory system and the kidneys.

Related Terms

  • Acidosis: A process causing increased acidity in the blood and other body tissues.
  • Alkalosis: A process causing increased alkalinity in the blood and other body tissues.
  • Metabolic acidosis: A condition that occurs when the body produces too much acid or when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body.
  • Respiratory acidosis: A condition that occurs when the lungs can’t remove enough of the carbon dioxide produced by the body.

See Also

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