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Abnormality (pronounced: /æb.nɔːrˈmæl.ɪ.ti/) is a term used in the medical field to describe a condition that deviates from what is considered normal or typical. The term is broad and can refer to various types of deviations, including physical abnormalities, mental abnormalities, and genetic abnormalities.


The term "abnormality" comes from the Latin word "abnormis," which means "away from the norm." It was first used in the English language in the 1850s.

Types of Abnormalities

There are several types of abnormalities, including:

  • Physical Abnormality: This refers to any physical condition that deviates from the norm. This can include conditions such as congenital abnormalities, which are present at birth, or acquired abnormalities, which develop later in life.

Related Terms

  • Anomaly: An anomaly is another term for an abnormality. It is often used in the medical field to describe a condition that is unusual or different from what is typically expected.
  • Disorder: A disorder is a condition that disrupts normal physical or mental functions. Disorders are often considered a type of abnormality.
  • Disease: A disease is a specific abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism. Diseases are often considered a type of abnormality.

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