You Bar

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You Bar

You Bar (/juː bɑːr/) is a term used in the medical field, particularly in the area of nutrition and dietetics.


The term "You Bar" is derived from the concept of personalized nutrition, where the word "You" signifies the individualized approach to nutritional needs and "Bar" represents the form of food, typically a snack or meal replacement bar.


A You Bar is a custom-made, nutritionally balanced snack or meal replacement bar. It is designed according to the specific dietary needs, preferences, and health goals of an individual. The ingredients used in a You Bar can vary widely, including but not limited to proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Related Terms

  • Personalized Nutrition: An approach to diet and nutrition that takes into account an individual's unique dietary needs and health goals.
  • Meal Replacement Bar: A pre-packaged bar that is intended to replace the nutritional value of a full meal.
  • Dietary Supplements: Products taken orally that contain one or more ingredients (such as vitamins or amino acids) that are intended to supplement one's diet and are not considered food.

See Also

External links


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