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Vivace (pronounced: viˈvaːtʃe) is a term that originates from the Italian language, meaning "lively" or "vivacious". In the medical field, it is often used to describe a patient's lively or energetic state of health.


The term Vivace is derived from the Italian word 'vivo', which means 'alive', and the suffix '-ace', which is used to form adjectives. Thus, Vivace essentially means 'full of life' or 'lively'.

Related Terms

  • Vitality: The state of being strong and active; energy.
  • Vigor: Physical strength and good health.
  • Vivacious: Attractively lively and animated, typically used to describe a woman.
  • Vital: Absolutely necessary or important; essential.

Usage in Medical Context

In a medical context, Vivace is often used to describe a patient's state of health. For example, a patient might be described as 'vivace' if they are in a lively or energetic state, despite their illness or condition. This term is often used in a positive context, indicating that the patient is responding well to treatment or is in good spirits.

See Also

External links


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