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Vagisil (/ˈvædʒɪsɪl/) is a commercial, over-the-counter topical cream that is used to alleviate vaginal itching and irritation.


The term "Vagisil" is a combination of the words "vagina" and "salve". The suffix "-sil" is derived from the Latin word "salvus" which means "safe" or "healthy".


Vagisil is primarily used to relieve symptoms of vaginal itching and irritation, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, menopause, and irritants. It is also used to prevent odor and provide a fresh feeling.


The active ingredients in Vagisil are Benzocaine and Resorcinol, which are used as a topical anesthetic and antiseptic respectively. The cream also contains a variety of inactive ingredients such as water, mineral oil, and glycerin.


While Vagisil is generally safe for use, it is important to avoid applying the cream to large areas of the body or on blistered or raw skin. It should not be used in the eyes, mouth, or nose. If symptoms persist after a week of use, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.

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