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Union (medical term)

Union (pronounced: yoo-nyun) is a term used in the field of medicine to describe the process of healing or joining together of tissues, particularly in the context of bone fractures.


The term 'union' originates from the Latin word 'unio', which means 'one' or 'oneness'. In a medical context, it refers to the process where separate parts become one, such as the healing of a fracture where the broken bone parts join together to form a single, unified structure.

Related Terms

  • Nonunion: This is a term used to describe a fracture that fails to heal. Nonunion is typically diagnosed when a fracture has not completely healed within several months of the injury.
  • Delayed union: This term is used when a fracture is taking longer than usual to heal. It is not as severe as nonunion, but may require additional treatment to promote healing.
  • Malunion: This refers to a fracture that has healed, but in a misaligned or incorrect position. This can lead to functional problems and may require corrective surgery.
  • Bone graft: This is a surgical procedure used to promote bone union. It involves transplanting bone tissue from one part of the body to another to stimulate bone growth and healing.

See Also

External links


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