Trenbolone enanthate

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Trenbolone enanthate (pronounced as tren-bo-lone en-an-thate) is a synthetic steroid used in veterinary medicine to promote muscle growth in livestock. It is a derivative of nandrolone, but unlike nandrolone, it is not used in human medicine.


The name "Trenbolone enanthate" is derived from its chemical structure. "Trenbolone" is a modification of the naturally occurring steroid testosterone, and "enanthate" refers to the ester group attached to the steroid molecule, which controls the release of the steroid into the body.


Trenbolone enanthate is a prodrug of trenbolone. It is metabolized in the body to produce trenbolone, which binds to androgen receptors and promotes muscle growth. Trenbolone enanthate has a longer half-life than other forms of trenbolone, which means it is released into the body more slowly and needs to be injected less frequently.

Use in Veterinary Medicine

Trenbolone enanthate is used in veterinary medicine to increase the muscle mass of livestock and to improve feed efficiency. It is often used in combination with other steroids, such as estradiol, to maximize its effects.

Potential for Misuse

Due to its potent muscle-building effects, trenbolone enanthate is sometimes misused by bodybuilders and athletes. However, its use in humans is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and it can have serious side effects, including liver damage, cardiovascular disease, and severe mood swings.

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