The Journal of Rheumatology

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The Journal of Rheumatology

The Journal of Rheumatology (pronunciation: /ˈdʒɜːrnəl ɒv ˌriːməˈtɒlədʒi/) is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal that publishes research in the field of rheumatology and related disciplines.


The term "rheumatology" originates from the Greek words "rheuma," which means "that which flows as a river or stream," and the suffix "-ology," which means "the study of." It is the study of rheumatic diseases and conditions.


The Journal of Rheumatology was first published in 1974. It is the official journal of the Canadian Rheumatology Association and is also widely recognized by rheumatologists internationally.


The journal covers a wide range of topics in rheumatology, including clinical trials, epidemiology, health services research, outcomes research, and translational research. It also publishes reviews, case reports, images in rheumatology, and other relevant material.

Abstracting and Indexing

The Journal of Rheumatology is abstracted and indexed in PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus, and the Science Citation Index. According to the Journal Citation Reports, the journal has a 2019 impact factor of 3.151.

Related Terms

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