Tamale pie

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Tamale Pie is a traditional American dish that originated from the Mexican tamale. It is a casserole dish that features a cornmeal crust and a filling typically made of seasoned meat, beans, and cheese.


Tamale Pie: /təˈmɑːli paɪ/


The term "Tamale Pie" is derived from the Mexican dish "tamale", which is a traditional Mesoamerican dish made of masa (a dough made from corn) that is filled with meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, or chilies. The "pie" in Tamale Pie refers to the American adaptation of the dish, which is typically baked in a pie dish.


  • Cornmeal: This is the main ingredient for the crust of the Tamale Pie. It is made from dried corn kernels that are ground into a coarse powder.
  • Meat: The filling of the Tamale Pie typically includes a type of seasoned meat, such as beef or chicken.
  • Beans: Beans are another common ingredient in the filling. They add protein and fiber to the dish.
  • Cheese: Cheese is often added to the filling for extra flavor and creaminess.


The preparation of Tamale Pie involves making a cornmeal crust, preparing a filling of meat, beans, and cheese, and then baking the dish until the crust is golden and the filling is bubbly.

Related Terms

  • Masa: This is a type of dough made from corn that is used in traditional Mexican dishes like tamales and tortillas.
  • Tamale: A traditional Mexican dish made of masa filled with various ingredients, which is then wrapped in a corn husk and steamed.
  • Casserole: A type of dish that is baked in the oven and typically includes a starch, a protein, and a creamy sauce.

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