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TDIQ (pronunciation: tee-dee-eye-cue) is an acronym in the medical field that stands for Trans Dermal Intelligence Quotient. It is a measure used to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of transdermal drug delivery systems.


The term TDIQ is derived from the combination of the words 'Transdermal', 'Intelligence', and 'Quotient'. 'Transdermal' is a term that originates from the Latin words 'trans' meaning 'across' and 'derma' meaning 'skin'. 'Intelligence' is derived from the Latin word 'intelligere' which means 'to understand'. 'Quotient' is a mathematical term that comes from the Latin word 'quotiens' meaning 'how many times'.

Related Terms

  • Transdermal: A method of delivering medication through the skin.
  • Drug Delivery System: A method or process of administering a pharmaceutical compound to achieve a therapeutic effect in humans or animals.
  • Pharmacokinetics: The study of how an organism affects a drug, including absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
  • Bioavailability: The proportion of a drug or other substance which enters the circulation when introduced into the body and so is able to have an active effect.

See Also

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