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Sunset (medical)

Sunset (pronounced: /ˈsʌnˌsɛt/) is a term used in the medical field to describe a specific symptom often seen in conditions affecting the brain. The term is derived from the visual similarity between the downward gaze of the eyes and the setting of the sun.


In a medical context, sunset refers to a downward deviation of the eyes, typically seen in infants and young children with certain neurological conditions. This symptom is characterized by the white part of the eye being visible above the iris when looking forward. It is often associated with increased intracranial pressure or lesions in the midbrain.


Sunset sign is often associated with conditions that cause increased intracranial pressure, such as hydrocephalus, brain tumors, and meningitis. It can also be seen in conditions that affect the midbrain, such as Dandy-Walker syndrome and Arnold-Chiari malformation.


Diagnosis of the sunset sign is typically made through a physical examination by a healthcare provider. The provider will look for the characteristic downward deviation of the eyes. Further diagnostic tests, such as a CT scan or MRI, may be performed to identify the underlying cause.


Treatment for the sunset sign involves addressing the underlying cause. This may involve medications to reduce intracranial pressure, surgery to remove a tumor or correct a malformation, or other treatments as appropriate based on the specific condition.

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