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Stubble is the term used to describe the short, stiff hairs that grow on a man's face after he has shaved.


  • /ˈstʌbəl/


The term "stubble" originates from the Old English word "stybb", which refers to a short, stiff stalk of grain. It was first used in the context of facial hair in the late 14th century.


Stubble refers to the growth of hair on a man's face after shaving. It is typically short, stiff, and prickly, and can appear within hours of shaving, depending on the individual's hair growth rate.

Related Terms

  • Shaving: The process of removing hair from the skin with a razor or other bladed implement.
  • Razor: A tool used in shaving to cut hair close to the skin.
  • Beard: A collection of hair that grows on the chin, upper lip, cheeks and neck of humans.
  • Five o'clock shadow: A slang term for the appearance of slight stubble on a man's face towards the end of the day, due to the growth of facial hair since the morning shave.
  • Razor burn: An irritation of the skin caused by using a razor to shave.

See Also

External links


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