Straight sinus

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Straight Sinus

The Straight Sinus (pronunciation: /streɪt saɪnəs/) is a dural venous sinus in the human brain that allows blood to drain from the posterior third of the superior sagittal sinus to the transverse sinuses.


The term "Straight Sinus" is derived from the Latin words "sinus rectus". "Sinus" in Latin means "bend, fold, curve", and "rectus" means "straight". Thus, the term refers to the straight course of this venous channel in the brain.


The Straight Sinus is located within the dura mater, the outermost layer of the meninges. It is formed at the confluence of the Inferior sagittal sinus and the Great cerebral vein. It runs along the midline, in the attached margin of the tentorium cerebelli, and drains into the left transverse sinus.


The primary function of the Straight Sinus is to drain blood from the deep veins of the brain, the superior sagittal sinus, and the inferior sagittal sinus into the transverse sinuses. This helps in maintaining the circulation of blood and the removal of waste products from the brain.

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