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Sport (spôrt)

Sport (Middle English disport, from disporten to divert, from Old French desporter, from des- + porter to carry) is a range of physical activities or games through casual or organized participation, aimed to improve physical ability and skills, provide entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators.


The word "Sport" comes from the Old French word desport meaning "leisure", with the oldest definition in English from around 1300 being "anything humans find amusing or entertaining".


Related Terms

  • Athletics: A collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking.
  • Team Sport: Sports that involve players working together towards a shared objective.
  • Individual Sport: Sports in which participants compete as individuals rather than as members of a team.
  • Olympics: A major international multi-sport event.
  • Paralympics: A major international multi-sport event involving athletes with a range of physical disabilities.
  • Sport Psychology: An interdisciplinary science that draws on knowledge from many related fields including biomechanics, physiology, kinesiology and psychology.

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