Sponge cake

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Sponge cake

Sponge cake (/spʌndʒ keɪk/) is a light and airy type of cake made primarily from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs. It is thought to have originated in the Renaissance period, with the name 'sponge' referring to the cake's light and fluffy texture.


The term 'sponge cake' is believed to have been first used in the early 15th century. The word 'sponge' comes from the Old English 'spunge', which is derived from the Latin 'spongia', meaning 'a sponge'. The word 'cake' comes from the Old Norse 'kaka', which means 'a baked dough'. The name 'sponge cake' is thus a reference to the cake's light, spongy texture.


There are many different varieties of sponge cake, including the Victoria sponge, Genoise, Biscuit, Chiffon cake, and Angel food cake. Each of these varieties has its own unique method of preparation and ingredients, but all are characterized by their light, airy texture.


The key to making a sponge cake is to beat the eggs, sugar, and sometimes water together until they are light and fluffy. This is then gently folded into the flour and baking powder, taking care not to deflate the mixture. The cake is then baked in a moderate oven until it is golden brown and springs back when lightly touched.

Related Terms

  • Baking: The process of cooking food by dry heat in an oven.
  • Whisking: The process of beating ingredients together to incorporate air and produce volume.
  • Folding: A method of gently mixing ingredients.
  • Oven: A kitchen appliance used for baking, roasting, or heating food.

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