Sparkling wine production

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Sparkling Wine Production

Sparkling wine production refers to the process of creating sparkling wine, a type of wine characterized by significant levels of carbon dioxide which makes it fizzy. The carbon dioxide may result from natural fermentation, either in a bottle, as with the traditional method, in a large tank designed to withstand the pressures involved, or as a result of carbon dioxide injection.


/spɑːrklɪŋ waɪn prəˌdʌkʃən/


The term "sparkling wine" is derived from the visual characteristic of the wine itself. The word "sparkling" refers to the bubbles or "sparkles" that are created by the carbon dioxide in the wine. The term "production" comes from the Latin word "productio" meaning "a bringing forth".


The production of sparkling wine involves a series of steps. The first step is the fermentation of the grape juice, which produces a base wine. This is followed by a second fermentation, during which the wine is sealed in a bottle with yeast and a small amount of sugar, known as the liqueur de tirage. This process, known as the Méthode Champenoise, produces the bubbles characteristic of sparkling wine.

Related Terms

  • Méthode Champenoise: The traditional method of making sparkling wine, named after the Champagne region in France.
  • Fermentation: The process by which sugar is converted to alcohol and carbon dioxide by yeast.
  • Liqueur de tirage: A mixture of wine, sugar, and yeast used in the production of sparkling wine.
  • Carbon dioxide: A colorless and odorless gas that is a by-product of fermentation and gives sparkling wine its bubbles.
  • Wine: An alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice.
  • Grape: The fruit from which wine is made.

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