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Slovenia (Medicine)

Slovenia (pronunciation: /sloʊˈviːniə, slə-/ sloh-VEE-nee-ə, slə-; Slovene: Slovenija [slɔˈʋèːnija]), officially the Republic of Slovenia (Slovene: Republika Slovenija (help·info), abbr.: RS), is a country located in Central Europe at the crossroads of main European cultural and trade routes.

Health Care System

The health care system in Slovenia is a mix of public and private providers. The National Health Insurance Institute (Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije) is the public institution responsible for health care in Slovenia. It provides compulsory health insurance covering a broad range of health services.

Medical Education

Medical education in Slovenia is provided by the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor. Both universities offer a six-year program leading to a Doctor of Medicine degree (MD).

Medical Research

Slovenia has a strong tradition of medical research, particularly in the fields of genetics, neuroscience, and public health. The National Institute of Biology and the Jožef Stefan Institute are among the leading research institutions in the country.

Notable Slovenian Medical Professionals

Several Slovenian medical professionals have made significant contributions to their fields. These include Janez Plečnik, a pioneer in the field of cardiology, and Marko Pokorn, a leading researcher in pediatrics and infectious diseases.

External links


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