Sleep sex

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Sleep sex

Sleep sex, also known as Sexsomnia (pronounced: sex-som-nee-uh), is a distinct form of parasomnia, a category of sleep disorders that involve abnormal movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, or dreams.


  • Sleep sex: /sliːp sɛks/
  • Sexsomnia: /sɛkˈsɒmniə/


The term Sexsomnia is a blend of "sex" and "somnus" (the Latin word for sleep). It was first used in medical literature in 2003.


Sleep sex or Sexsomnia is a condition characterized by an individual engaging in sexual activities while in an unconscious state, typically during their sleep cycle. This can range from explicit acts such as masturbation, fondling, sexual intercourse, to less explicit acts like sexual moaning or sleep talking with sexual content.

Related Terms

  • Parasomnia: A category of sleep disorders that involve abnormal movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, or dreams.
  • Sleepwalking: A behavior disorder that originates during deep sleep and results in walking or performing other complex behaviors while asleep.
  • Sleep disorder: A medical disorder of the sleep patterns of a person or animal.
  • Somnambulism: The technical term for sleepwalking.

See Also


  • American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (2014). International classification of sleep disorders, 3rd ed. Darien, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine.
  • Schenck, C.H., Arnulf, I., & Mahowald, M.W. (2007). Sleep and sex: What can go wrong? A review of the literature on sleep related disorders and abnormal sexual behaviors and experiences. Sleep, 30(6), 683-702.

External links


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