Single blind study

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Single blind study

A Single blind study (pronunciation: /ˈsɪŋɡəl blaɪnd ˈstʌdi/) is a type of experimental design used in scientific research where the participants are unaware of the specific treatment or intervention they are receiving. The term originates from the concept of "blinding" in research, which refers to the practice of keeping participants, investigators, or both, unaware of the specific treatment assignment in order to reduce bias.


The term "Single blind study" is derived from the concept of "blinding" in research. The word "blind" in this context is used metaphorically to mean "unaware" or "ignorant". The "single" in "single blind" refers to the fact that only one party, typically the participant, is kept unaware of the treatment assignment.

Related Terms

  • Double blind study: A study design where both the participants and the investigators are unaware of the treatment assignment. This is done to prevent bias in the results.
  • Triple blind study: A study design where the participants, investigators, and the statistician analyzing the data are all unaware of the treatment assignment. This is the most rigorous form of blinding, and is used to prevent any form of bias.
  • Placebo: A substance or treatment which is designed to have no therapeutic value. Placebos are often used in blind studies to compare the effect of the experimental treatment with that of no treatment.
  • Randomized controlled trial: A type of scientific experiment that aims to reduce bias when testing a new treatment. Participants are randomly allocated to either the group receiving the treatment under investigation or to a group receiving standard treatment or placebo treatment.

See Also

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