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Separation (Medicine)

Separation (pronunciation: /ˌsɛpəˈreɪʃən/) in the field of medicine refers to the process or state of being separated. It can refer to various medical procedures or conditions where a part of the body is separated from the rest, either temporarily or permanently.


The term 'separation' originates from the Latin word 'separatio', which means 'a parting'. It has been used in the English language since the late 14th century.

Related Terms

  • Isolation: The process of separating a patient from others to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Amputation: A surgical procedure that involves the removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery.
  • Laparotomy: A surgical procedure involving a large incision through the abdominal wall to gain access into the abdominal cavity.
  • Laminectomy: A surgical procedure that removes a portion of the vertebral bone called the lamina.
  • Hemisection: A type of dental surgery where one half of a tooth is removed.

See Also

External links


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