Sensory cortex

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Sensory Cortex

The Sensory Cortex (pronunciation: /ˈsɛnsəri ˈkɔːtɛks/) is a part of the cerebral cortex responsible for processing sensory information within the human brain.


The term "Sensory Cortex" is derived from the Latin words 'sensus' meaning 'sense' and 'cortex' meaning 'bark' or 'rind'. This term was first used in the late 19th century to describe the area of the brain that processes sensory input.


The Sensory Cortex is divided into primary and secondary areas. The Primary Sensory Cortex receives signals from sensory neurons, and the Secondary Sensory Cortex processes those signals using associative areas. The Sensory Cortex is involved in the processing of all five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell.

Related Terms

  • Cerebral Cortex: The outer layer of the cerebrum, composed of folded grey matter, playing a key role in memory, attention, perception, cognition, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness.
  • Primary Sensory Cortex: The main area of the sensory cortex that receives sensory input directly.
  • Secondary Sensory Cortex: The area of the sensory cortex that processes sensory input received by the primary sensory cortex.
  • Sensory Neurons: Nerve cells within the nervous system responsible for converting external stimuli from the organism's environment into internal electrical impulses.

See Also

External links


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