Reporter gene

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Reporter gene

A reporter gene (pronounced: rih-POR-ter jeen) is a gene that researchers use in molecular biology to study the activity of another gene. The reporter gene is attached to the gene of interest, and the reporter gene's expression indicates whether the gene of interest is being expressed.


The term "reporter gene" comes from the gene's function of "reporting" on the activity of the gene of interest. The term was first used in scientific literature in the 1980s.


The function of a reporter gene is to indicate when a certain gene is being expressed. The reporter gene is attached to the gene of interest in a process called transfection. When the gene of interest is expressed, the reporter gene is also expressed. The product of the reporter gene's expression is usually easily identifiable, such as a fluorescent protein, which allows researchers to easily see when the gene of interest is being expressed.

Types of Reporter Genes

There are several types of reporter genes, including:

  • LacZ: This gene produces a protein that turns blue when exposed to a certain chemical. This makes it easy to see when the gene is being expressed.
  • Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP): This gene produces a protein that glows green under ultraviolet light. This makes it easy to see when the gene is being expressed.
  • Luciferase: This gene produces a protein that emits light when it reacts with a certain chemical. This makes it easy to see when the gene is being expressed.

Related Terms

  • Gene expression: The process by which a gene's information is converted into the structures and functions of a cell.
  • Transfection: The process of introducing nucleic acids into cells.

See Also

External links


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