Pumpkin soup

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Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup (pronunciation: pʌmpkɪn su:p) is a type of soup made from pumpkins. It is a popular dish in various cultures and is often served during the autumn season when pumpkins are in abundance.


The term "pumpkin" originates from the Greek word "pepon", which means "large melon". The word was later modified by the French into "pompon", which the English changed to "pumpion". American colonists later changed the term to "pumpkin". The word "soup" comes from the French word "soupe" which means "soup or broth".


Pumpkin soup is primarily made from pumpkins. Other common ingredients include onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and various herbs and spices. Some recipes may also include cream or milk to create a creamier texture.


The preparation of pumpkin soup involves cooking the pumpkin and other ingredients in a pot until they are soft. The mixture is then puréed until smooth. The soup is typically served hot and may be garnished with herbs, spices, or cream.


There are many variations of pumpkin soup, depending on the region and personal preference. Some variations may include additional ingredients such as chicken broth, vegetables, meat, or grains.

Health Benefits

Pumpkin soup is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber, making it a healthy choice for a meal. It is also low in calories and fat, making it suitable for those on a diet.

See Also

External links


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