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Portal:Medicine (pronounced: por-tal: med-i-cine) is a comprehensive gateway that provides access to a wide range of medical information and resources.


The term "portal" originates from the Latin word "portālis", which means "of or pertaining to a gate", while "medicine" comes from the Latin "medicina", meaning "the healing art, medicine, a remedy".


The Portal:Medicine is a dedicated space that serves as a starting point for users seeking medical information. It includes links to various medical articles, medical journals, medical databases, and other relevant resources. It is designed to help users navigate the vast amount of medical information available on the internet.

Related Terms

  • Medical Information: Data related to health, diseases, and treatments.
  • Medical Articles: Written works published in medical journals or on medical websites.
  • Medical Journals: Periodicals that publish research findings and reviews in various fields of medicine.
  • Medical Databases: Collections of medical data and information, often accessible online.
  • Healthcare: The organized provision of medical care to individuals or communities.
  • Clinical Practice: The application of medical knowledge to patient care.
  • Medical Research: The study of health and disease in people, with the aim of improving health outcomes.

See Also

External links


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