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Polyorchidism is a rare medical condition in which a male has more than two testicles. The term is derived from the Greek words poly meaning "many" and orchis meaning "testicle".


Polyorchidism is pronounced as pol-ee-OR-kid-iz-uhm.


The term "Polyorchidism" is derived from the Greek words poly meaning "many" and orchis meaning "testicle".


Polyorchidism is a rare congenital disorder where a male is born with more than two testicles. The additional testicle(s) can be either functional or non-functional.


The symptoms of polyorchidism can vary greatly. Some men with this condition may not experience any symptoms, while others may have symptoms such as testicular pain, a lump in the scrotum, or infertility.


Diagnosis of polyorchidism is often incidental, during a medical procedure or examination for another condition. Ultrasound is the most common diagnostic tool used to identify the presence of additional testicles.


Treatment for polyorchidism is not always necessary. If the additional testicle(s) are not causing any symptoms or health problems, they may be left in place. However, if the additional testicle(s) are causing discomfort or other health issues, surgical removal may be recommended.

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