Pine nut

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Pine nut

Pine nut (pronunciation: /ˈpaɪn nʌt/), also known as Pignolia or Pinon nut, is the edible seed of several species of pine trees.


The term "pine nut" comes from the Middle English word "pine", which is derived from the Old English "pin", and the Middle English "nut", which is derived from the Old English "hnutu". The term "pignolia" is derived from the Italian "pignoli", which means "pine nut". The term "pinon nut" is derived from the Spanish "piñón", which also means "pine nut".


Pine nuts are small, elongated, and have a mild, sweet, and buttery flavor. They are often used in cooking, particularly in pesto, a sauce originating from Genoa, Italy.

Nutritional Value

Pine nuts are rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, and Zinc. They also contain a good amount of protein and dietary fiber.

Related Terms

  • Pine tree: The tree from which pine nuts are harvested.
  • Pesto: A sauce originating from Genoa, Italy, that often uses pine nuts as an ingredient.
  • Nut: A hard-shelled fruit of some plants having an indehiscent seed.
  • Seed: The unit of reproduction of a flowering plant, capable of developing into another such plant.

External links


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