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Phenylsilatrane (pronunciation: /ˈfɛnɪlˌsɪləˈtreɪn/) is a chemical compound that belongs to the class of organosilicon compounds. It is a derivative of silatrane, a class of compounds that contain a silicon atom bonded to three nitrogen atoms in a nine-membered ring structure.


The term "Phenylsilatrane" is derived from two parts: "Phenyl", which refers to the phenyl group (C6H5) present in the compound, and "Silatrane", which refers to the silatrane structure (a silicon atom bonded to three nitrogen atoms in a nine-membered ring structure).

Structure and Properties

Phenylsilatrane is characterized by the presence of a phenyl group attached to a silatrane structure. The silatrane structure consists of a silicon atom bonded to three nitrogen atoms in a nine-membered ring structure. This unique structure imparts certain physical and chemical properties to phenylsilatrane, such as its reactivity and stability.

Related Terms

  • Organosilicon compounds: A class of compounds that contain carbon-silicon bonds.
  • Silatrane: A class of compounds that contain a silicon atom bonded to three nitrogen atoms in a nine-membered ring structure.
  • Phenyl group: A functional group characterized by a ring of six carbon atoms, represented as C6H5.


Phenylsilatrane, like other organosilicon compounds, has potential applications in various fields such as materials science, medicine, and industrial chemistry due to its unique properties.

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