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Periodization (pronounced: /ˌpɪəriədaɪˈzeɪʃən/) is a concept in sports science that involves systematic planning of various aspects of an athlete's training regimen. The goal of periodization is to optimize an athlete's performance during the most important competitions of the year.


The term "periodization" comes from the Latin word "periodus," meaning "recurring cycle." It was first used in the context of sports training in the mid-20th century.


Periodization is a structured approach to training that involves progressive cycling of various aspects of a training program during a specific period. It is a way of organizing training so that fitness is built in a systematic way, and peak performance is achieved at the desired time.

Types of Periodization

There are several types of periodization, including:

  • Linear Periodization: This is the traditional method of periodization, which involves a gradual increase in intensity and a decrease in volume over time.
  • Non-linear/Undulating Periodization: This method involves frequent changes in volume and intensity to allow for greater variation in training.
  • Block Periodization: This method involves focusing on one specific fitness quality for a block of several weeks, before moving on to another.

Related Terms

  • Macrocycle: A macrocycle is a long-term training period that typically lasts for one year or one season.
  • Mesocycle: A mesocycle is a medium-term training period that typically lasts for several weeks to several months.
  • Microcycle: A microcycle is a short-term training period that typically lasts for one week.

See Also

External links


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