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Paternalism (pronunciation: /pəˈtəːn(ə)lɪz(ə)m/) is a concept in medicine and ethics that refers to the practice of making decisions for others, against or without their consent, with the intent of promoting their best interests or welfare. The term is derived from the Latin pater meaning "father", and is used to describe a relationship where one party acts in a fatherly manner towards another, often implying a lack of autonomy or freedom on the part of the latter.


The term "paternalism" is derived from the Latin word pater which means "father". It was first used in the political sense in the 19th century to describe a governing system where the state plays a protective role, similar to that of a father, and makes decisions on behalf of its citizens.

In Medicine

In the field of medicine, paternalism refers to the traditional relationship between doctors and patients, where the doctor makes decisions for the patient without their input. This is often justified on the grounds that the doctor, as a medical expert, is better equipped to make decisions about the patient's health. However, this approach has been increasingly criticized for undermining patient autonomy and informed consent, leading to a shift towards shared decision-making and patient-centered care.

Related Terms

  • Autonomy: The capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision.
  • Informed Consent: A process for getting permission before conducting a healthcare intervention on a person.
  • Medical Ethics: A system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine.
  • Patient-Centered Care: A healthcare approach that respects and responds to individual patient preferences, needs, and values.

See Also

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