Informed Consent

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Informed Consent is a process in which a healthcare provider educates a patient about the risks, benefits, and alternatives of a given procedure or intervention. The patient must be competent to make a voluntary decision about whether to undergo the procedure or intervention.


Informed Consent: /ɪnˈfɔːmd kənˈsɛnt/


The term "Informed Consent" is derived from the English words "informed", which means having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or situation, and "consent", which means to give permission for something to happen.


Informed Consent is a fundamental ethical and legal requirement in healthcare. It is the process by which the treating healthcare provider discloses appropriate information to a competent patient so that the patient may make a voluntary choice to accept or refuse treatment. It originates from the legal and ethical right the patient has to direct what happens to their body and from the ethical duty of the physician to involve the patient in their healthcare.

Related Terms

  • Patient Autonomy: The right of patients to make decisions about their medical care without their healthcare provider trying to influence the decision.
  • Medical Ethics: The discipline of evaluating the merits, risks, and social concerns of activities in the field of medicine.
  • Healthcare Provider: A person or institution that provides medical services.
  • Medical Procedure: A course of action intended to achieve a result in the delivery of healthcare.
  • Intervention: A treatment, procedure, or other action taken to prevent or treat disease, or improve health in other ways.

See Also

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