Open access

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Open Access (OA)

Open Access (pronunciation: /ˈəʊpən ˈæksɛs/) is a term used in the field of publishing to describe unrestricted access to peer-reviewed scholarly research via the internet. It is a movement that promotes free and unrestricted online access to academic and scholarly content.


The term "Open Access" originated in the Budapest Open Access Initiative in 2002, which was a public statement of principles relating to open access to the research literature. It is a compound of the words "open", from Old English open (not closed or barred) and "access", from Latin accessus (approach, coming to, an entrance).

Related Terms

  • Gold Open Access: A type of open access publishing where the final version of the article is made freely available by the publisher immediately upon publication.
  • Green Open Access: Also known as self-archiving, it refers to the practice of depositing a version of a scholarly work in a repository, making it freely accessible.
  • Hybrid Open Access: A publishing model where subscription-based journals allow authors to make individual articles open access, usually for a fee.
  • Diamond/Platinum Open Access: This model provides free access to published articles, with no charges for submission, processing or publication.
  • Open Access Journal: A scholarly journal that is available online to the reader without financial, legal, or technical barriers.
  • Open Access Publishing: The process of producing and disseminating scholarly works online, free of charge.

See Also

External links


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