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Ontogeny', also known as ontogenesis, refers to the origination and development of an organism, encompassing both physical and psychological aspects, such as moral development. This process spans from the time of the fertilization of the egg through to adulthood. Ontogeny not only describes the developmental history of an organism but can also denote the study of the entire lifespan of an organism, integrating insights from various biological and psychological disciplines.


On-toh-jeh-nee for Ontogeny or Ontogenesis


The term "ontogeny" is derived from the Greek ontos, meaning "being", and -geny, from genesis, meaning "origin" or "creation". Thus, ontogeny translates to the "creation of being", accurately reflecting the process of development and growth from inception to maturity.

Developmental Stages

Ontogeny encompasses several key stages of development:

  • Embryonic development: The early stages following fertilization, where rapid cell division and differentiation occur.
  • Fetal development: A continuation of growth and development that prepares the organism for independent existence outside the womb.
  • Postnatal development: Includes infancy, childhood, adolescence, and finally maturity into adulthood.

Psychological Ontogeny

In addition to physical development, ontogeny includes psychological growth and changes, such as cognitive and emotional maturation, and moral development. This aspect underscores the interaction between genetic factors and environmental influences throughout an organism's life.

Ontogeny vs. Phylogeny

Ontogeny is often discussed in relation to phylogeny, the evolutionary history of a species. This relationship is encapsulated in the phrase "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny", suggesting that an organism's developmental process mirrors the evolutionary history of its species. Although this concept has been largely debunked, it highlights the historical attempts to link individual development with evolutionary biology.

Study of Ontogeny

The study of ontogeny is interdisciplinary, involving fields such as embryology, developmental biology, psychology, and neuroscience. Researchers investigate the genetic, molecular, and environmental factors that influence the growth and development of organisms.

Related Terms

See Also

External links


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