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Nougat (pronounced: /ˈnuːɡət/ or /ˈnuːɡɑː/) is a family of confections made with sugar or honey, roasted nuts, whipped egg whites, and sometimes chopped candied fruit. The consistency of nougat can range from soft and chewy to hard and crunchy depending on its composition, and it is used in a variety of candy bars and chocolates.


The word "nougat" comes from Occitan pan nogat (pronounced [ˈpa nuˈɣat]), seemingly from Latin panis nucatus 'nut bread' (the late colloquial Latin adjective nucatum means 'nutted' or 'nutty').

Types of Nougat

There are three basic kinds of nougat. The first, and most common, is white nougat (nougat de Montélimar in French), made with beaten egg whites and honey. The second is brown nougat (nougat noir in French), which is made without egg whites and has a firmer, often crunchy texture. The third is the Viennese or German nougat which is essentially a chocolate and nut (usually hazelnut) praline.

White Nougat

White Nougat is made from sugar or honey, beaten egg whites, and sometimes chopped candied fruit. It is soft and chewy, and often used in candy bars.

Brown Nougat

Brown Nougat, also known as nougat noir, is made without egg whites and has a firmer, often crunchy texture. It is typically made with caramelized sugar.

Viennese or German Nougat

Viennese Nougat or German Nougat is essentially a chocolate and nut (usually hazelnut) praline. It is a common filling in chocolates and candy bars.

Related Terms

  • Confectionery: The art of making confections, which are food items that are rich in sugar and carbohydrates.
  • Praline: A form of confection containing at a minimum culinary nuts and sugar syrup.
  • Candy bar: A type of sugar confectionery that is in the shape of a bar.
  • Chocolate: A typically sweet, usually brown food preparation of Theobroma cacao seeds, roasted and ground, often flavored with vanilla.

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