Ningxia Medical University

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Ningxia Medical University (Pronunciation: Ning-shia Medical University) is a medical school located in Yinchuan, the capital city of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the People's Republic of China.


The name "Ningxia" is derived from the Tangut people, also known as the Western Xia, who established a kingdom in the region during the 11th century. "Medical University" signifies the institution's focus on medical education and research.


Ningxia Medical University was established in 1958. It was originally known as Ningxia Medical College before being upgraded to a university in 2008. The university is the only medical university in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.


The university offers a wide range of programs in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and public health. It has 17 secondary schools, 10 teaching and research sections, 3 affiliated hospitals, and 56 teaching hospitals.

Affiliated Hospitals

Ningxia Medical University has three affiliated hospitals: the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University, the Hospital of Stomatology of Ningxia Medical University, and the Eye Hospital of Ningxia Medical University. These hospitals serve as teaching and research bases for the university's students and faculty.

Notable Alumni

Many of the university's alumni have made significant contributions to the field of medicine in China and around the world.

See Also

External links


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